Persian carpets, also known as Iranian carpets, are renowned for their intricate craftsmanship and cultural significance. Crafted in Iran, these rugs feature elaborate designs...
Turkey’s revenues from textile and raw materials exports amounted to 6 billion and 119 million dollars during the first 7 months of this year.
Innovation, the key to competition in domestic and international markets
Rangdaneh Sirjan Co. is one of the most important producers in the field of pigment...
 Interview with Mr. Mansouri / Rangdaneh Sirjan company
By: Kohan Textile Journal
Rangdaneh Sirjan Company's selection as a national and provincial sample exporter on numerous occasions...
Turkey has experienced substantial growth in the production and export of curtain and upholstery fabrics, establishing itself as a key player in the global...
Interview with NedTex Company's managing director, Engineer Amirreza Afshari
More than 60 000 people visited the Istanbul textile machinery show, which took place in Turkey...
Interview With Mr.Roham Habibi, CEO Of North Plast Shimi
Please begin by describing North Plast Shimi Company's history and current operations.
In Mazandaran Province's Joibar Industrial...
The value of exports from Iran’s clothing and textile industries in the previous Iranian calendar year 1400 (ended on March 20) increased by eight...
CNR KONFEK gathers together the great supporters of economies, the garment machinery manufacturers. The exhibition, organized by CNR Holding, will host leading and innovative...