In the rapidly evolving world of smart and technical textiles, Yassine Zarroug stands out as a visionary leader and innovator. A graduate of the prestigious ENIM National School of...
As a critical component of its digitization strategy, Tunicotex Group turned to Coats Digital for a technology solution to design agility into its operations...
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has successfully concluded its textile value chain projects in Tunisia, marking a significant step towards a circular...
The "Margoum," a quintessential Tunisian carpet, is renowned for its authentic decorative charm and rich heritage. This traditional fabric industry holds a special place...
In this exclusive interview, we have the privilege of speaking with Mr. ZARRAD Mounir, the Commercial and Marketing Director of Denim House, a leading...
By: Behnam Ghasemi :: Kohan Textile Journal
As the name implies, workwear clothing is created and manufactured for employees, operators, and executives of businesses, organizations,...
In the first business-to-business mission since the pandemic, the International Trade Centre brought together 10 Tunisian and 26 Egyptian companies in May in Cairo,...