Fibertex has actively and swiftly responded to the markets’ requirement of eliminating plastics from wipe products by doing what was once thought undoable: creating sustainable disinfecting wipes.
Fibertex’s QUATRelease™ technology allows our customers to meet the requirements of the SUPD (Single Use Plastics Directive) without compromising disinfectant power.
Carlos Benatto President, Fibertex Nonwovens INC
Until now, products made with 100% natural fibers could not be used in the disinfectant wipe market due to the irreversible binding of the quat compound to the cellulose, which prevents the complete release of the quat disinfectant, reducing the efficacy in sterilizing surfaces.
Due to this limitation, the market has been producing nonwoven wipes containing inert synthetic fibers, which do not bind the quat and therefore allow an effective quat release. Therefore, it was not possible to produce a plastic-free wipe that meets the market requirements, while simultaneously releasing all the quat disinfecting agent for maximum performance.
Fibertex’s new QUATRelease™ technology allows for the release of all the quaternary compounds from natural fibers, providing a significant improvement compared to other available non-plastic solutions.
This provides a better cleaning experience with fewer chemicals needed to achieve the same level of efficacy, with the same release performance in a sustainable cellulose-based wipe as that of the standard polyolefin like polyester or polypropylene. By using QUATRelease™ technology, Fibertex allows users to meet the requirements of the SUPD (Single Use Plastics Directive) without compromising disinfectant power.