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Yasmine Khamis: Oriental Weavers Committed to Reducing its Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 30%

Interview With Yasmine Mohamed Farid Khamis / The Chair of Oriental Weavers

Oriental weavers continue its journey based on Mr Mohamed Farid Khamis’s philosophy, but with new ideas and roadmaps, let us know more About your vision for Oriental Weaver‘s development And goals for the future.

Throughout decades of operations and my father’s vision, Oriental Weavers has relentlessly worked its way to becoming the world’s largest manufacturer of machine-made carpets. The company continues to expand its product offerings with an eye to providing customers with the finest textile products at competitive price points.

My vision is, for Oriental Weavers to remain extensively recognized for the impeccable designs, superior quality, and innovation of its products. Oriental Weavers’ strategies were developed with an eye for accelerating the growth of its operations. The company’s strategic development takes on a stakeholder-centric approach, delivering sustainable value through its vertically integrated business models and innovative product offerings.

The company implements its strategy through key directions that include profitable growth, customer-centric focus, and transformational and Ecosystem pillars. Through these directions, Oriental Weavers continues to penetrate new markets, develop existing product offerings, and enhance operational efficiency across production facilities.


Oriental Weavers is a leading brand in the flooring industry, please let us know about your sustainability policy. How can we have a sustainable carpet industry?

Oriental Weavers is committed, within the framework of its social responsibility, to the preservation and development of the environment in which it resides. While the company has a formal environmental policy in place, OW manufactures its products in compliance with ISO 14001 and the relevant country’s laws and regulations.

Additionally, OW continuously seeks to reduce the impact of its activities on the environment by the use of safe technological methods and clean energy, and the reduction of waste by preservation and recycling

• The Group carries out an Annual Environmental Impact Assessment, which takes place every year to identify the environmental aspects and their impact and set an action plan to mitigate risks.


• The Group is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 30%, within the coming 5 years. Through the implementation of an energy management system, Installing CHCP and Installing solar power stations 5 MW

• The company strategy is to reduce 50 % of generated solid waste within 5 years. An internal policy for waste recycling has resulted in 30% of generated solid waste being recycled internally. One of our subsidiaries, EFCO, uses recycled waste as its raw material

• Energy efficiency measures at OW factories have achieved an energy saving of more than c.10 % annually. OW is now using outdoor solar-powered lights in some of its factories

• OW strategy is to reduce water consumption by 20 % within 5 years by modifying its technology to transfer the significant water consumed to zero liquid discharge by using underground water for irrigation


Egypt is one of the important countries in the carpet sector, how do you evaluate the carpet and flooring sector in Egypt?

Oriental Weavers has around 80% market share in machine-made carpets in Egypt, with more than 250 showrooms scattered across the country.

We remain to be the leaders in our local market, with an expansion plan to open new showrooms annually and elevate the customers’ shopping experience.

The United States market is the biggest market for flooring and machine-made carpets, and Oriental Weavers are one of the key players in this market. What do you think about this market and how do you plan to get more share?

The United States market is one of our core markets, it constitutes around 34% of the company’s revenues. We will always strive to remain one of the key players in the market, through our innovative designs, and sustainable eco-friendly product line. Meanwhile, efficiently manage our costs, to be able to compete in the market.

Photo Courtesy:

Could you please update us with Oriental Weaver’s latest export statistics and export destinations in 2022?

• Exports represent 65% of the company’s revenue.

• Our major markets are the US and Europe.

• The Arab region has been a growing market for the past 2 years, reaching 8% of the company’s revenues compared to 3% in 2020

As a successful businesswoman, what is your message for women and girls in the Middle East and Africa?

Raising a young girl, myself, I wish nothing more than a world encouraging women, giving them equal opportunity and seeing them for their capabilities and potential, not for anything else.

My message to women across the Middle East and Africa is never give up and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. We learn and grow from our mistakes and setbacks, so embrace them and move forward.




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