Tunisia Textile News
Tunisia: 25 textile professionals take part in Premiere Vision-Paris
Twenty-five Tunisian industrialists representing the main sectors of the textile-clothing sector (jeans and sportswear, knitwear, lingerie, ready-to-wear, workwear and leather goods and accessories) are taking part in the Premiere Vision-Paris show held from September 17 to 19, 2019, in Paris.
Tunisia is the ninth largest supplier of clothing to the EU, with a market share of 2.58% (first 6 months 2019).
Organized by the Export Promotion Center (CEPEX), the Tunisian participation, which occupies a pavilion of 336 m2, aims at promoting the offer of the textile-clothing sector, on the French market.
The September 2019 edition of the Premiere Vision show, held twice a year, will welcome 62,000 professionals from more than 120 countries.
The European Union market is the world’s largest textile-clothing import market with 510 million consumers.
EU imports grew by 6.75% in the first half of 2019 compared to the same period of 2018.
![intertex Tunisia](https://kohantextilejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/intertex-Tunisia_kohan_textile_journal_11.jpg)
Tunisia: CEPEX to hold workshop on opportunities for textile products to access UK
A workshop on “the opportunities for Tunisian textile-clothing products to access the British market” will be held at the Exporter’s House next Wednesday, March 13 and in a Monastir hotel on Thursday, March 14.
The event will be organized by the Tunisian Export Promotion Center (CEPEX), in cooperation with the Tunisian-British Chamber of Commerce and OCO Global, CEPEX reported.
Mr. Paul Alger, Director of International Affairs at the UK Fashion and Textile Association, Ms. Della Nelso, sourcing and creation expert and Mr. Colin McCullagh, Director at OCO Global, will host this workshop and will present the practicalities of the access of Tunisian textile and clothing products to the United Kingdom, according to the same source.
![intertex Tunisia](https://kohantextilejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/intertex.jpg)
Tunisia: more than 60% of textile revenues come from the parallel market
Mehdi Abdelmoula, president of the National Chamber of Retail Chain told ExpressFm on Tuesday that the decisions taken lately about the textile sector are far from realities, while being difficult to put into practice in post-2018 Tunisia.
He also called for limiting the informal economy by integrating it into the organized economy, especially since more than 60% of the revenues of this sector come from this parallel economy.
Abdelmoula insisted that the latest decisions on the textile sector “are part of an erroneous approach, perhaps focusing on personal interests since everything indicates that these measures would contribute, rather, to a resurgence of the parallel market …”
![textile and apparel sector in Tunisia]()
Tunisia: textile & clothing exports increase by 20%
Textiles and clothing exports grew 20% in the first seven months of 2018, AfricanManager learned on Monday, September 24th, 2018 at the Tunisian-French partnership day in the textile and clothing sector organized at the Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX).
Tunisia has 250 companies active in this field, of which about 100 are located in the governorate of Monastir.
This sector globally has 1600 companies across the country.
Several Tunisian industrialists are present at this day of partnership to establish B2B contacts with their French counterparts.
Tunisia: 95% of textile & clothing exports go to Europe
Official statistics unveiled Monday, September 24, 2018, during the Tunisian-French partnership day in the textile and clothing sector, currently held at the export promotion center show that 95% of Tunisia’s textile and clothing exports are aimed at Europe.
Similarly, 82.7% of companies located in Tunisia are totally exporting.
In fact, the textile and clothing sector in the country accounts for 35% of the country’s GDP and offers 161,425 jobs.
Tunisia: textile and clothing exports up 25% in Q1 2018 (Feriani)
In a statement given to AfricanManager Tuesday, May 8, 2018, on the sidelines of the workshop on youth integration and employability in the textile and clothing sector, Minister of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises Slim Feriani said the textile and clothing sector plays a very important role in achieving economic and social equilibrium, improving the trade balance, developing the investment climate and exports and creating jobs.
He added that “we have a whole program with Switzerland whose objective is to strengthen the sector and encourage young people to enter the textile market, which remains a key vector in job creation.
I would like to note that this sector is no longer in crisis; we have recorded a remarkable recovery and very positive export indices with the realization of an estimated growth of 25% during the first quarter of the current year,” he pointed out.
Tunisia: business matching mission in textile to Poland March 25-29
A prospection and business matching mission in the textile and clothing sector to Poland is organized by the Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX) on March 25-29 in Poland, in collaboration with the Tunisian Embassy in Warsaw.
CEPEX said seven Tunisian companies specializing in the sectors of jeans, ready-made clothes and beachwear are taking part in this mission to explore the opportunities offered by this 38 million-consumer market.
The program of this action is based mainly on direct contacts through B2B meetings with Polish buyers.
In fact, 16 leading Polish brands confirmed their participation in this professional meeting to have a close vision of the Tunisian companies’ offer and know-how.
In addition to direct matchmaking, visits are scheduled to sales points and fashion departments to monitor trends, the development of brands and the nature of collections placed in specialty stores.
With a remarkable development of consumption since 2016 (+21%), the ready-made market in Poland reached almost €10 billion with average individual spending of €250 per year, this explains the development of several local brands (over 30), which represent positioning spaces for companies.