Nisa Tekstil :: The company excels in home and hotel textile products, towels and bathrobes, bed linens and bobbin dyeing and steam dyeing processes.
Located in Denizli Organized Industrial Zone, Nisa Tekstil has been offering a wide variety of home and hotel textiles. We asked the success story of the company to Turan Dogmus, General Manager of Nisa
On brief history of the company
Our firm was founded in 2011 in Denizli Organized Industrial zone on 40 thousand sqm land. Our factory has a covered area of 10 thousand sqm where 80 people are employed. Since then we have been accumulated valuable knowledge and experiences in our business.
On the products that company sells
Our firm is focused on the production of home and hotel textile products, towels and bathrobes, bed linens and bobbin dyeing and steam dyeing processes.
On the capacity of production facility
Capacity of our yarn dyeing facility is about 10 tons per day and our facility is able to process variety of yarns from 6/1 to 120 no calibers. Factory can produce 20 tons of towels and 10 thousand pieces of bathrobes monthly.
On target markets
Our target markets for exports are located mainly in Europe, the USA, South America.
On business policy that you pursue
Our aim is to provide 100 % customer satisfaction besides, we are keen on offering timely delivery, quality products and reasonable prices to our customers.
On the participation in trade fairs
We have been participating in Heimtextil fair regularly for several years.
On his assessment of the year 2016
There were ups and downs in 2016. Effects of them will continue in 2017, at least for 6 months. To get a right position for us is important. We observe financial problems in the world, and they affect us either positively or negatively. Despite all these we have to put economic issues on the agenda of the country, including production, investment, employment and exports. Political power depends on the economic power of the nations.
On his evaluation about the year 2016
Despite all hardships brought by professional lives, there are several causes to stick to the living. We became a great buyer for giant foreign companies serving in international markets, and they have to try to satisfy our nation. We are cooperating with world famous designers that are trends setters for years while participating in the fair that focused on home and hotel textile products.