Manufacturers operating in the yarn industry, which is the most important raw material of the ready-to-wear and textile indusrty will come together 18th time at Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center. The Istanbul Yarn Fair organized by Tüyap, will show on the latest trends, innovations and technologies between the dates 24-26 February 2022.
The readt-to-wear and textile industry, which shines all over the World, gets its success from the yarn industry. The production and export capacity of Türkiye in the yarn industry, especially in cotton yarn, is increasing every year. Istanbul Yarn Fair one of the most important exhibition in its scope, will bring together the rising Turkish textile industry and the biggest producers of the world at Tüyap Fair Convention ans Congress Center.
The Fair Full of Success
The previous Istanbul Yarn Fair hosted 296 companies and company representatives from 22 countries, 8.372 professional visitors from 86 countries in 15.250 sqm. area. The important hosted buyers from Bulgaria, Algeria, Morocco, India, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Russia, Tunisia, Ukrain and Pakistan visited the fair. With the power taken from these results, it is expected to host over 3 hundreds exhibitors and over 10 thousand visitors in 18th edition of the fair.
The Effective Marketing Channels
The important marketing activities continue for the Istanbul Yarn Fair in Türkiye and abroad. Collaborations are made with national, international, sectoral, local broadcasting organizations and NGOs at the fair, where the effective marketing channels including conventional and digital tools, are used. The yarn industry professionals are invited to visit the fair thanks to Tuyap foreing offices from the 4 countries, and representatives network from over 80 countries.
The Large Scale of Scope Attracts Attention
Thousands of yarn types from cotton to wool, from elastan to acrylic, from silk to viscose and bobbins, spool and reels will be presented to ready-to-wear and textile industry professionals. The exhibition where those interested can see many product options at the same time, will be held on 24-26 February, 2022 as a platform where new business contacts are established.
The Digital Solutions of Hybrid Exhibition
The visitors and exhibitors will gather digitally through the Business Connect Program –an online business network platform- thanks to the digital solutions developed by Tüyap. They will be able to organize their online and in person meetings and continue their communication from here.
The exhibitor will be at just one click away from their potantial customers and new business partners thanks to this online service. By searching and filtering through the Business Connect Program, the exhibitors will be able to find suitable business contacts, send requests, message and plan meetings between February 21 and March 4, 2022.
During the fair – February 24-26, 2022- visitors and exhibitors who have made a meeting plan will be able to meet online or face-to-face througt Business Connect Program. The exhibitors will be able to continue to find new business partners and match the suitable contacts after the post exhibition period – February 27-March 4, 2022 – Thanks to this digital richness provided by the fari, business connections will no longer be limited to the date of the fair.
All Hygien Measures Have Been Taken
Through the fairs it organizes, TÜYAP, which directs the development of many industries from defence to packaging, from agriculture to construction, will meticulously implement the COVID-19 measures it applies at every fair, also at the Plast Eurasia meeting. TÜYAP, as the first exhibition centre to receive the Turkish Standards Institute COVID-19 Safe Service Certificate, will create a safe fair environment for its exhibitors and visitors with the measures it takes.
International Istanbul Yarn Fair will be open to visit from 10.00 to 18.00 on Febsuary 24 and 25, 200 and from 10.00 to 17.00 on February 26, 2022.