Bruckner Textile Machinery
Ready To Show textile and Fashion Expo


Soteri: Pioneering Sustainable Fashion at Fabtex Georgia Expo

Interview with Sophio Andaghuladze, Co-Founder of Soteri Company I’m excited to introduce Soteri, a fashion brand and design house...

UMS Couturier Leads Georgia’s Sewing Industry with Global Partnerships

Tamar Kirakosian, manager of UMS Couturier, proudly announces the company’s significant contributions to the sewing industry in Georgia...

Georgian Sewing Company Present New Uniform Collections at Fabtex Georgia Expo

Mamia Shapakidze / Co-Founder, Georgian Sewing Company Mamia Shapakidze, co-founder of the Georgian Sewing Company, emphasizes the importance of...

Maya İplik: 100% Solar-Powered Turkish Yarn Producer at Colombiamoda

Maya İplik, a leading Turkish yarn dyeing company with over 30 years of experience, is making a significant...



Filtech ; Largest filtration show world-wide

An interview with Ms. Suzanne Abetz from Filtech By: Kohan Textile Journal  / Middle East Textile Journal   Please let us know more about Filtech 2019 and different...

Sustainability in Textiles: “In order to gain the customers’ trust, a company should make the first step.”

  An Interview with Georg Dieners, the General Secretary of the International OEKO-TEX® Association By: Behnam  Ghasemi  / Kohan Textile Journal OEKO-TEX is an international association consisting...

The Middle East and North Africa are important markets for OETI …

Confidence in Textiles: Interview with Robert Loecker, Managing Director of OETI, Vienna   The Middle East and North Africa are important markets for OETI, which is...

We cannot make markets to buy our products

To many carpet researchers in Iran, Hussein Rezvani’s art works, make the identity of Persian carpet disappear in the world. Hussein Rezvani is not...

Algeria Textile and Fashion Fair in CCO Oran

Algeria Textile An interview with Insaf Choual  / " Textyle-Expo " Project manager By: Mahboobeh Ghayedi / Kohan Textile Journal 1) Please let us know about your textile exhibition...

New and captivating world of trends, innovations and lifestyle

interview with Domotex Director / Ms. Susanne Klaproth Could you please give us a brief biography of yourself and tell us when does Domotex have...

Destructive competition among producers can cause significant drop in the overseas marks

In this issue of the magazine we have an interview with Masoud Kamali ardakani former Commercial Counselor of Iran in China about the handmade...

The knowledge of melt-sminning machinery production be indigenous in the country

melt-sminning machinery :: Interview with Mohammad Ali Zare Manager of STIM Group KJT: Please gave a detailed description about Iranian Shouka company  and activities of...

Kohan Textile Journal ; interview with Loepfe Brothers Ltd.

1.  Could you please let us know about your success history and machines that you manufacture? The company was founded back in 1955 by the...

Interview with Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles “The gateway to Asia's home living” this is your slogan. Could you please explain why you select it? Our show is the...