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Is management a hereditary phenomenon?!

Ali Motman, PhD in Business Development Management

Is Management an Inherent Phenomenon ?! Developed and developing countries have different views and answers to this question. In developed countries, the emphasis is on the acquisition of knowledge management and knowledge management, especially through the documentation of management practices, but in developing countries some traditional ideas and ideas have taken over management.

In the carpet industry the importance of this is felt more than any other industry; as the industry’s great pole lies in Kashan and Aran and Bidgol, this phenomenon and hereditary transfer of management has shown, except in limited cases, a lack of innovation and creativity; The way that business owners only upgrade machinery and instead of producing cheaper ones is seeking bank loans to upgrade the machines.

While the repetition and lack of innovation in the designs, drawings and even the raw materials in the carpet are evident. This is especially the case when most carpet mills, except accounting units, design and, more recently, by the standard organization, examine the formal existence of a textile engineer for non-revocation of operating licenses; in other words, traditional and non-traditional management. Knowledge, management, and control are common in most carpet manufacturing companies.

Where is the place of knowledge and knowledge management? Research and development, which in the face of severe sanctions, has elevated many of the industrial sectors, is seen in less of a car-related industry. It is first necessary to give an overview of the necessity and importance of R&D in an organization, as we are always faced with a lot of data day and night. In the meantime, when the data catches our attention, our mind immediately discards other data, begins to analyze it, and in fact processes the data, turning it into information, or somehow an output for ourselves, to to be used.

So it’s actually information, data processing, and in fact OUT POT data, which we can use to get a better understanding of the subject. So the only thing that makes us make the best decision at the right time is to collect and analyze data as we turn it into information. So, in fact, data can be anything and everywhere, but once that information is processed and used for a specific purpose, it becomes information.

Innovation and creativity are the core of survival for a brand, but there is another secret without which they can never be the best in their market and be able to respond to their customers’ needs, and that’s nothing but an R&D unit. Without a R&D unit, innovation and creativity have no meaning. What I can honestly say is disregarded by most Iranian companies and is considered a trivial matter, but in large corporations it is seen as a major cause of business advantage. Now according to the above, how can one by R & D) achieved such success. Initially managing the marketing information display in a work breakdown structure (WBs) for a better understanding And we explain it. At first glance, you will surely understand the importance and importance of the subject and how this information can be gathered.

Marketing Information Management Failure Structure (WBs) Market information management is divided into three parts: internal data, market intelligence and market research.

Internal data: For example, the accounting department prepares financial statements and provides accurate sales, cost and cash flow information which is divided into the following four sections: 1- Operations Unit: Reports on production schedules, Provides shipping and storage. 2. Sales Unit: Provides reports on the behavior of retailers and the actions of competitors. 3. The marketing unit collects demographic and psychological information about customer purchasing behaviors. 4. The service unit provides information on customer satisfaction and customer service problems.

In fact, the above reflects the way the company operates, the strengths and weaknesses of the company in meeting customer needs and delivering services to them. Market available. From competing company staff and competing product reviews to researching the internet, going to corporate fairs and festivals usually reveals confidential information through online reports, office publications, trade fairs, press, ads and websites. They publish publicly. The Internet is also a rich source of information. Certainly simple things like the job opportunities introduced by the company can reveal a lot of information.

Other sources of information include the database of the Stock Exchange Group (Kodal site), which actually records the financial information of companies listed in BOSS every three months at the branding office and the patent application. As you can see, there are plenty of information resources around us that can easily provide valuable information from competitors Market Research: Designing, collecting, analyzing, and reporting regularly information on a specific marketing situation and to better understand the Specifically, it leads to customer satisfaction and their shopping behaviors. Market potential and market share can also be identified by measuring the effectiveness of product pricing, distribution, and promotional activities, which consists of four steps: 1. Defining research goals and objectives: dividing themselves into other sectors. Be. Each marketing project and research has one of three goals.

A: Exploratory Research Purpose: Gathering baseline information used to define a problem and proposing a hypothesis B: Descriptive research purpose: Describes items such as market potential for a particular product or demographic mix and customer orientation that buys a product. C: Explanatory Research Purpose: Examine the Cause and Effect Hypothesis; for example, does a 10% reduction in tuition fees increase enrollment so much that a 10% reduction in income is offset.

2. Preparing the research plan The research program may be used to gather information needed from first-hand, second-hand data or both: a. First-hand data: data that is collected for a specific purpose. B: Second-hand data: are data that already exists somewhere and is intended for another purpose.
3. Running a research plan: It involves gathering, processing and analyzing information that can be collected by market research staff or other companies.

4. Interpretation and Reporting Findings: By integrating all of the above, our position in the industry over competitors, our strengths and weaknesses, identify market opportunities and threats, and have the best strategy for responding. Research and development (R&D) has a direct impact on innovation, productivity, quality, standard of living, market share, and other factors that contribute to enhancing organizations’ competitiveness. The R&D unit is the heart of a company with the organization, and its role is to nurture the company in keeping with the progress of science, knowledge and management demands. Research and development units must seek technology and innovation. For the first time in years, the R&D unit was formally listed on the corporate chart of some companies.

R&D Objectives
(R&D) A unit of research and development that seeks to achieve the desired level for an organization is formulated based on its priorities and needs in a coherent framework, some of which are:
new products and improving the quality of new knowledge production to develop products and optimize processes, rapid profitability, rapid improvement of operations, discovery and understanding of market opportunities and needs.
Successful announcements, including material costs for research, have made it impossible for actors to enter the research world and seize research opportunities.

5. Elite migration abroad

6. Poor resources and lack of fluency Most researchers in the world’s living languages use and interact scientifically with other countries’

7.resources and centers; insecurity and distrust: meaning that one is not sure that the work is important. Preserved and destroyed or raised in a way that promotes his status in society.

8. Lack of familiarity with modern research methods due to the lack of research-based teaching as compared to teaching and research: It can be defined that research means trying to find new phenomena and education, transferring the knowledge gained from this research. Experts do not pay much attention to research as much as they value teaching, so many professors are less prepared for research and research methods

9.Lack of research culture in the country: Research culture in turn requires proper education and efficient and research-based education. The popularity and prosperity of associations, scientific and research institutions, and comprehensive support for scholars inside and outside Iranian scholars abroad, while fostering new scholars, is naturally a model for institutionalizing research culture, in which case much of the work can be done.

Research, especially at the student level, has led to applied research for tattoos, not dissertation writing, and students having attained effective education prior to obtaining a degree. In science education, more attention has been paid to the transfer of scientific concepts and less attention has been paid to the process of science production. Country with researchers in various fields.

10. Conventions such as fatalism, imitation and lack of creativity can be considered as obstacles to research along with innovation.

11. Lack of proper relationship between university education, lack of proper and proper communication between research centers of applied fields is a problem. The right link between the university and research centers and industries is not very well defined.

12. The mere economic and monetization perspective of research and research: Unfortunately, research has led many researchers to aim for income while not knowing enough about the plans they are making.

13. The research methodology has been in the state and the establishment of research centers and institutions is in the hands of the government, so the role of private centers in research is diminished.

14. There are no policies, facilities, and prevention of duplication, needs assessment and information to centers or researchers.

15. Individualism and lack of teamwork in research: This means that individual research and research is equivalent to doing parallel work, which in turn results in poor research and vulnerability.

16. Lack of information system and communication structures between researchers and lack of scientific collaboration means lack of awareness of the expertise of others and efforts that have already been made in the field of research

17. Lack of proper and proper system of distribution of credits Research

18. Lack of coherent and enforceable criteria in supportive policies for researchers

19 – Lack of databases.

In the carpet industry, R&D can be active in market research, identifying and evaluating market-day products, customers’ tastes, technologies and new designs as well as using new technologies to improve the physical properties and location of carpeting. It requires researchers and R&D units in every organization.
Spend on advertising or research and development? According to Harvard Business Review, trends in R&D spending and advertising costs in US companies over the past 40 years are visible in the chart above. Four decades ago, R&D and advertising costs were equal, but in the current state, US companies’ R&D costs are on average seven times the cost of advertising.


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