Persian carpets, also known as Iranian carpets, are renowned for their intricate craftsmanship and cultural significance. Crafted in Iran, these rugs feature elaborate designs...
Vandewiele team is delighted to welcome its customers again on the next edition of the Domotex exhibition, in the capital of carpet, Gaziantep.
Apart from...
Egypt's Spinning, textiles and home furnishings during 2021 increased by about 25 percent to reach $1.567 billion, compared to $1.245 billion in 2020.
The Chairman...
Are you passionate about beautiful rugs or versatile wall-to-wall carpeting and searching for a better production solution?
Then come to Domotex Turkey at the Middle...
The import figures published by TÜİK achieved new record figures in the machinery sales of foreign technology manufacturers to the Turkish market by releasing...
Iran's machine-made carpet industry has a high potential that has not yet been identified and operationalized.
Considering that Iran has a domestic market of 80...
Monforts and its Turkish representative Neotek are looking forward to meeting customers old and new at the forthcoming ITM 22 international textile machinery show...