Persian carpets, also known as Iranian carpets, are renowned for their intricate craftsmanship and cultural significance. Crafted in Iran, these rugs feature elaborate designs...
From time immemorial, one of the world-famous Iranian goods has been hand-made carpets. But in recent decades, this national industry has encountered a big...
The history of Iranian textiles in their traditional form dates back to the 10th millennium BCE.
According to the excavations obtained by archaeologists in the...
TEHRAN - The 14th International Exhibition of Plastic, Rubber, Machinery, and Equipment (IRAN PLAST) of Iran was opened at the Tehran Permanent International Fairground...
Interview with Alireza Mobini, SHAHKAR DORRIN Carpet Company Kashan CEO
By: Kohan Textile Journal
In recent years, new manufacturing companies have been added to the machine-made...