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Domotex middle east 2025
ITCPE 2025


Rome Declaration: A New Vision for Italy’s Textile and Clothing Industry

On February 20, 2025, industry leaders and trade unions gathered in Rome for the Italian National Seminar to adopt the Rome Declaration. Confindustria Moda...

EURATEX Urges Stronger Enforcement for Fair and Safe E-Commerce in the EU

The European Commission’s latest communication on e-commerce highlights growing concerns over direct-to-consumer imports via online marketplaces. EURATEX supports...

EURATEX and AMITH Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Strengthen Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in the Textiles industry

Today, EURATEX (the European Apparel and Textile Confederation) and AMITH (Association Marocaine des Industries du Textile et de...

Global Textile and Fashion Industry Comes to Silk Road for Conference in Uzbekistan

Samarkand will host ITMF Annual Conference and IAF World Fashion Convention 2024 in SeptemberOn September 8-10 2024, Samarkand,...

EURATEX Welcomes the EU Customs Reform Package and Calls for Swift Action on the de minimis Exemption

The European Textile and Clothing industry (EURATEX) welcomes the proposed reforms to the EU's customs system, emphasizing the...

EURATEX and CIE Calls the EU Presidency to Relaunch the European Manufacturing Industry

Ahead of your extra-ordinary Council on 6 October in Granada, EURATEX President, Alberto Paccanelli, and CIE President, Jose Vte Serna, call on the EU...


On this day 1 year ago the McKinsey company published its white paper “Scaling textile recycling in Europe—turning waste into value” proving the environmental...

EURATEX Welcomes EP Progress on Ecodesign legislation but Highlights Some Concerns

The European Parliament adopted its position on the Ecodesign Regulation, which aims to improve the environmental sustainability and circularity of products placed on the...

The European Textile and Fashion Industry Meeting in Milan Today: How “Textiles 5.0” Can Support the Competitiveness of our Sector.

On the occasion of EURATEX’ General Assembly held in Milan on 7 June, the European textile industry discussed the relationship between innovation, sustainability and...

European Parliament Does Not Recognise The Strength and Commitment of The European Textile Industry

Today, the European Parliament has adopted its Report on an EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles. The Report wants to step up the...

European Textile Industry Increasingly Exposed to Global Pressure

European textile industry is exposed to global pressures more than ever before; policymakers need to consider that global dimension. EURATEX released today its 2023...

First Anniversary of the EU Textile Strategy – celebration or mourning?

On 30 March 2022, the European Commission presented its vision for the future of the textile industry. The strategy mainly focuses on reducing the...

New European initiative to support SMEs in transforming textile waste into value

Today, 43 partners of the RegioGreenTex project met in Brussels to kick-start a three year project that should change the way we manage textile...

New European Initiative to Support SMEs in Transforming Textile Waste into Value

Brussels, 21 February 2023 – Today, 43 partners of the RegioGreenTex project met in Brussels to kick start a three-year project that should change...

EU Energy Council: EURATEX welcomes progress on the energy market reform, but the cap at 180 €/MWh is still too high

On Monday, the European energy ministers reached an agreement on a price cap for natural gas wholesale prices.Despite welcoming the adoption of the instrument...