Bangladesh, once grappling with economic devastation and poverty, has emerged as a global textile powerhouse, offering valuable lessons for aspiring African economies. Following its...
Over 140 Indian companies which also operate in South Africa have collectively invested close to $4 billion, leading to the employment of over 18,000...
raising the US Government for having unilaterally initiated the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the Rwandan ministry of trade and industry recently said...
Sustainability initiative, Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) has announced that for the first time since its foundation in 2005, more than one million African...
CICEC, Cairo / Egypt
22-25Â SEPTEMBER 2018
Cairo Fashion & Tex offers to its exhibitors remarkable export volume by introducing the new buyers, agents,...
EURATEX is pleased to announce the launch of a new strategic course to strengthen the voice of the European textile and apparel industry with...
Rwandan infrastructure minister James Musoni has said his country has not banned sale of imported second-hand clothes but is promoting the ‘Made in Rwanda’...
African cotton :: The German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) has pledged to provide funding grants of up to €8 million...