Bangladesh, once grappling with economic devastation and poverty, has emerged as a global textile powerhouse, offering valuable lessons for aspiring African economies. Following its...
Following a series of sideline meetings of the Turkey-Africa Economic and Business Forum between a Ghanaian delegation and Turkish investors, some textile-garment manufacturing giants...
There is a threat of Egyptian cotton going unsold despite 2 million metric quintals of high quality crops. Based on traders’ optimism, the country...
See More Tunisia Textile News
The Intertex Tunisia exhibition will be organised between 4-6 April 2019 in Sousse International Fairground in Tunisia. The event is...
Italian fashion company ITACA recently inaugurated a $15-million textile factory at Ashegodain of Tigray state in Ethiopia. The factory has already started exporting clothes...
Zimbabwe's textile industry: The Zimbabwe Clothing Manufacturers’ Association (ZCMA) plans to employ 35,000 people in the next five years, largely because of the sector’s...
Intertex Tunisia Exhibition will be organized at Sousse International Fairground in Tunisia and bring the industry professionals together under one roof.
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Tunisia certainly possesses some impressive statistics in relation to the textile industry, with the country first being the 5th most important supplier to European...