Bangladesh, once grappling with economic devastation and poverty, has emerged as a global textile powerhouse, offering valuable lessons for aspiring African economies. Following its...
With just 100 days remaining until the highly anticipated East Africa Textile and Leather Week (EATLW), anticipation is reaching fever pitch among fashion enthusiasts...
China has played a phenomenal role in global trade, is committed to protecting intellectual property rights, and has hastened institutional reforms, says an African...
Africa's textile industry, a linchpin in the global economy, plays a pivotal role in employment, with over 5 million individuals engaged across the continent....
The enormous opportunities for expansion among African nations like Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, and others have led to a surge in the textile sector...
Bananas, a seemingly modest fruit commonly found on breakfast tables worldwide, hold a far more significant role in the lush landscapes of Uganda. Beyond...
By: Behnam Ghasemi / Kohan Textile Tournal
Consumption of second-hand clothes in Africa and sustainable fashion in Europe
In recent times, the discourse surrounding sustainable fashion...
Financial Innovation at the service of Ivorian creative and cultural excellence
Birimian, the leading financial institution dedicated to the development of brands symbolizing African creative...