Datatex is proud to announce that Royal Thai Carpets limited have selected Datatex “NOW” ERP solution, as it’s end-to-end information system to manage the entire company.
The main reasons choosing Datatex ERP solution were:
Technology, the NOW ERP suite is written in Java and respects the world accepted JEE rules opening it up to almost all platforms of hardware, operating systems, data base and browser. The system runs using an application server orchestrating the data server, application, and clients. In addition, Datatex provides a suite of shop floor systems which are designed for high availability at the plant level.
Functionality, after careful evaluation the Datatex solution clearly stood out as the most comprehensive and provided out of the box coverage for deep textile requirements. This fact particularly stood out regarding planning, costing, and optimizing a modern textile mill.
Flexibility, NOW allows companies to use the exact same programs and data base to create individual user experiences to all roles in all manufacturing areas without writing one line of code, assuring easier maintenance and release upgradability.