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Rehubs Elects Board of Ditectores and Pre-Launches Coleo’s New Recycling Sorting Facility

ReHubs proudly announces the election of its Board of Directors, another milestone that strengthens its mission to industrially scale up fibre-to-fibre textile recycling across Europe. The election came during the ReHubs Annual Event, this year hosted by Coleo in Barcelona, in which they presented their new Recycling Sorting Facility, prompted through their partnership with ReHubs.

The elected Board of Directors, comprising experienced and diverse industry leaders from ReHubs partner organisations, will support Executive Director Chris Deloof in developing ReHubs’ capacity-building and knowledge-sharing projects. The Board includes; Acerina Trejo Machin (Resortecs), Alain Poincheval (Reju), Anna Pehrsson (TEXAID), Bouraoui Kechiche (DECATHLON), Carl Baekelandt (Concordia Textiles / PurFi), David Puyuelo Huguet (Coleo), Dirk Vantyghem (EURATEX), Félix Poza Peña (INDITEX), Mariska Boer (Boer Group), Outi Luukko (Rester), Véronique Allaire Spitzer (Refashion).

The two-day ReHubs Annual Event featured a dynamic program where ReHubs twenty-five partners to date came together to connect and strengthen relationships, fostering
collaboration and the exchange of innovative ideas. Additionally, ReHubs partners received policy updates from EURATEX and their possible implications for the industry and engaged in a discussion with the European Investment Bank on their Venture Debt Program and their Advisory Services.

Chris Deloof commented on the collaborative nature of ReHubs:

“The past two days have once again demonstrated the importance of bringing together people with a shared vision and the powerful collaboration that results from it. Thanks to the diverse profiles of the participants, challenges can be discussed from multiple disciplinary perspectives. Only through such collaboration we will achieve our common goal and close the loop.”

As hosts of this year’s Annual Event, Spain-based organisation Coleo provided an exclusive preview of their new state-of-the-art Recycling Sorting Facility to all ReHubs partners. The pre-opening of Coleo’s innovative facility in Mataró was a significant highlight, showcasing their latest advancements in textile sorting and recycling.

Coleo CEO David Puyuelo commented:

“Joining ReHubs is a necessary step to continue building the model we believe in. Without relentless collaboration between different brands, companies, and entities, we will not be able to achieve the scale needed to take the necessary steps required by the industry.” As ReHubs continues to grow, it remains steadfast in its commitment to industrially scale up the collecting, sorting, processing and recycling of textile waste in Europe. ReHubs invites all who are interested in learning more and contributing to our mission to get in touch


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