- Proof of textile market recovery: 75% of exhibition ground is already booked
- Contract Business with increasing demand
- For the first time: CarpetLab exposition@Heimtextil Russia
- Heimtextil Russia celebrates its 20th anniversary this year
This year, the leading Russian textile trade fair Heimtextil Russia is celebrating its 20th anniversary. During this time the trade fair has gained reputation of the leading business platform for the professionals of textile industry in Russia and the CIS countries. It is here that the key players of the International textile market come every year to find new business partners and develop their business. Heimtextil Russia 2018 will take place on September 18-20 in IEC Crocus Expo in Moscow.
Proof of textile market recovery: 75% of exhibition ground is already booked
As of now nearly 75% of the fair is booked by key exhibitors, both Russian and International. National pavilions of Germany, China, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan has confirmed their participation. It is worth mentioning that a considerable number of exhibitors are the companies that already took part in the fair a few years ago. This return is the best proof of the market recovery after the recent economic crisis.
Contract Business with increasing demand
Russian growing demand for contract textiles reflects the annual increase of exhibitors, offering textiles for the contract industry. Contract Business is especially important in Russia nowadays with the growth of domestic tourism and boost of hotel construction due to the coming 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia.
The CarpetLab exposition
This new area offers carpet manufacturer from Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and other countries with a rich carpet history to present their new carpet collections to their target buyers.
With its enlarged fringe program and several special areas exhibitors will have an opportunity to take part in b2b meetings with representatives of large retail chains and contract textiles industry. Business conferences and discussions on the actual industry topics will also be organized on the fairground again.
During the fair professional visitors, which include importers, distributors, representatives of large retails chains and contract business, as well as designers and decorators will be able to take part in the special guided tours. Industry experts will take them around selected exhibitors, whose products cover a certain topic: Contract textiles, Current trends in textile design, Fabrics for interior decoration, etc. Such tours are a great opportunity for visitors to receive full and comprehensive review of their target product group.
Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. With over 2,500* employees at some 30 locations, the company generates annual sales of around €661* million.
Thanks to its far-reaching ties with the relevant sectors and to its international sales network, the Group looks after the business interests of its customers effectively. A comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events.
The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. With its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent).