Under the theme “More than Flooring”, DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2024 will once again cover the world of flooring in 360 degrees. Co-located with other related and complementary events and activities under the umbrella of “Build Asia Mega Show”, the show will be part of a vibrant ecosystem representing the various facets of the construction, building materials and interior design industries in a platform that promotes cross-industry communication and multi-channel integration.
A full program to serve the variety and increasingly integrated visitors’ profiles has been developed to guide industry players through the recent developments and towards the future trends of the industry.
Under the theme “More than Flooring”, DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2024 will once again cover the world of flooring in 360 degrees. Co-located with other related and complementary events and activities under the umbrella of “Build Asia Mega Show”, the show will be part of a vibrant ecosystem representing the various facets of the construction, building materials and interior design industries in a platform that promotes cross-industry communication and multi-channel integration.
A full program to serve the variety and increasingly integrated visitors’ profiles has been developed to guide industry players through the recent developments and towards the future trends of the industry.
Below a sneak peek of the main events taking place during the show:
Multi-dimensional Interior Space Design Forum
This conference aims to accelerate “integration implementation” and solidify “high-quality integrated development”. It stands as the industry’s first high-level forum that simultaneously gathers the entire industry supply chain of space interior design, including floor, wall, ceiling, door, and cabinet. The conference emphasizes breakthroughs in integrated distribution, explores empowering home decoration channels, and collectively discusses the trends and channels of the interior space design.
Top Participating Brands
![Event Highlights at DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2024-top brands]()
Design with Nature by cadex
In 2024, cadex, renowned for merging design and material innovation, will launch engaging industry talks featuring domestic and international designers and companies, delving into the exploration of finding a balance between protecting the Earth and meeting consumer needs.
Material Matters
Material Matters is a concept that aims to initiate efficient communication channels between innovative material suppliers and the architecture & design community. With the theme ‘Boundless – Symbiosis’, Material Matters will inspire design ideas with new materials and explore the NEXT LEVEL of integration between interior design and materials through material installations, creative spaces and Material labs.
Live With Nature
“Live with Nature” is the newly launched campaign for this year, created to showcase how the flooring companies are keeping up with the ever-changing demand. It will offer particular exposure and targeted visitor guidance for the brands whose products align with the green and sustainable development objectives and place a strong emphasis on the latest lifestyle and consumption trends.
E-talk – Home Furnishing E-commerce Merchandising Trend Conference
The rapid development of home goods categories in e-commerce channels presents a significant opportunity for brands seeking new growth avenues. To help businesses deepen their e-commerce strategies and enhance competitive brand strength, DOMOTEX asia is hosting an “E-talk Innovators” session titled “Home Furnishing E-commerce Merchandising Trend Conference”.
E-talk – Digital Navigation Empowering the Home Industry’s Journey Abroad
As the domestic home furnishing industry develops, an increasing number of Chinese brands are expanding overseas, facing new market environments and challenges. To enhance the international competitiveness of these brands through digitalization, DOMOTEX asia is collaborating with Google to host the “Digital Navigation Empowering the Home Industry’s Journey Abroad” forum.
International Buyers Guided Tours
Personalized guided tours will bring over 150 international hosted buyers from 20 different countries to the stands of 80 selected exhibitors that meet their product needs. Through targeted invitations, precise matching, and point-to-point guidance, these tours are put in place to assist the business negotiation efficiency and facilitate procurement and cooperation opportunities.
Matchmaking sessions
The show organizers have set an agenda of over 400 matchmaking meetings between international hosted buyers and exhibitors of all different types of flooring. The matchmaking activities will take place at the buyer lounge in Hall 8.2 on the second day of the show, in 2 dedicated sessions.