10th Exhibition of FloorCovering, Machine Made Carpet & Related Industries is the biggest Machine made Carpet and floorcovering show in Middle East and north africa Region
The 10th Floor Covering, Moquette, Machine Made Carpet & Related Industries Exhibition (FMCEX 2018) showcased the following items to experts and customers: latest machine made carpets that are designed and produced by best machines with best patterns and combination of various colors and are made of various raw materials such as acrylic, polyester and polypropylene yarn by latest innovations.
Main objectives of this exhibition include increasing production efficiency, attention to development of this industry, finding new export markets, getting knowledge and information about latest technologies and equipment in machine made carpet industry, moquette and floor covering in the world, promoting general, scientific and technical knowledge and information of visitors. Conference of heads of associations, instructional workshops for designing machine made carpets and attendance of foreign trade and commercial board are some of side programs of Floor Covering, Moquette & Machine Made Carpet Exhibition.
Over 100 companies are participated in the exhibition of which four were from foreign countries. Iran is among the top six countries in the field.
Despite restrictions on the ground, Iranian activists have managed to keep the industry active and its products updated.
Iran exports machine-made carpets to 60 countries and holding the exhibition can help introduce Iran’s capabilities in the field. Last year, Iran exported carpets worth 400 million dollars, but it intends to raise the figure to over 500 million dollars.
The exhibition attended by representatives from Turkey, China and Taiwan opened Thursday in Tehran Permanent Fairground and it showed a great success.
in below you can see 2018 edition pictures: