Bangladesh, once grappling with economic devastation and poverty, has emerged as a global textile powerhouse, offering valuable lessons for aspiring African economies. Following its...
Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) and Better Cotton have started a new collaboration for greater impact. The set-up between the two organisations will be...
A new exhibition opening Tuesday spotlights African American textile arts, including a selection of quilts, and the stories behind them.
Texarkana Regional Arts and Humanities...
Non-woven textiles have a variety of applications in all industries around the world. Non-woven textiles are used in a variety of industries, including hospital...
By Adaku Onyenucheya and Ngozi Egenuka
Leoht Africa has partnered with the Indian Chamber of Commerce to boost the retail sector of Nigeria’s textile industry...
In January 2022, the textile division of ARISE Integrated Industrial Platform (IIP), based in the UAE, has joined ITMF as a new Corporate Member.
The Egyptian Chamber of Apparel and Home Textile Indutries (ECAHT) launched on Tuesday a project on upgrading technical textile’s industry supply chains that aims...