As aGOTS is not only improving its own system but also coordinating efforts with other key players to support the integrity of organic textiles. As GOTS provides certification of first processing stages to Textile Exchange’s Organic Content Standard (OCS), GOTS and TE discussed new requirements for OCS while they were being developed (TE Accepted Equivalent Standards Policy ASR 106V2.3).
GOTS supports these requirements as they provide a dual protection shield for materials entering the GOTS or OCS supply chains, at the same time maintaining necessary data privacy. The new requirements will help increase traceability and transparency throughout the organic textile sector which are among the main objectives of GOTS.
As per GOTS, a manufactured product can be GOTS certified only if the inputs are GOTS certified, and the processor/manufacturer/supply chain operator is GOTS Certified as well. GOTS certification of inputs may be proven by the Transaction Certificate for the input material. As per OCS, a manufactured product requires either OCS-certified input or GOTS-certified input. There is no need to convert any material from GOTS to OCS nor is there any need for it to be dual-certified.