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Filtech ; Largest filtration show world-wide

An interview with Ms. Suzanne Abetz from Filtech

By: Kohan Textile Journal  / Middle East Textile Journal


  • Please let us know more about Filtech 2019 and different aspect of this event

As a global business segment the filtration market is estimated to reach USD 110.82 billion by 2024 and to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.50% from 2018 to 2024*. This very important market stays below the average consumer’s radar because the products that they generally purchase are not filters. What consumers buy are beverages that have been filtered; they buy cars that contain dozens of filters; they receive medical injections that have been filtered; and they fly in planes whose jet fuel, hydraulic fluids and cabin air have been filtered. Filters clean the air we breathe and purify the water we drink. Filtration removes impurities and extends the shelf life of the products we consume. Medical filters can safeguard sterile environments by keeping out harmful pathogens and bacteria. Filters in vehicles enhance the fuel efficiency and clean the cabin air. Filtration and separation solutions in all industrial processes reduce costs and make companies in all sectors more productive and thus competitive.

The FILTECH Show ist the largest filtration show world-wide and a must for all those concerned with purchasing, designing, improving, selling or researching filtration and separation equipment and services. FILTECH is the international platform and solution provider for all industries with more than 400 exhibitors.

Filtech exhibition pure solution for clean environment

  • How was last year exhibition and what is your expectation for 2019 in terms of visitors and exhibitors?

FILTECH is the world’s largest Filtration Show and globally acknowledged platform for the booming filtration industry. FILTECH offers companies excellent business perspectives in a global scope. Trade visitors find targeted solutions for their filtration and separation tasks, no matter what industry they are in.

With 14,000 participants in 2018 FILTECH has clearly exceeded all expectations and set a strong signal for further growth of the world-wide filtration and separation sector. At FILTECH 2018 68% of all foreign guests came from Europe. 34,5 % of all foreign guests came from non-european countries. 35 % of the visitors were top-level decision makers. In total 73 nations were represented.


  • As you know middle east and North Africa has a good potential in the textile industry and nonwovens, especially in some countries like Turkey, Iran, UAE, Egypt and … how many exhibitors and visitor you attract each year from this region?

The MENA region with Turkey first of all is already represented at FILTECH Shows. At FILTECH 2018 we welcomed close to 20 exhibitors from Turkey. We also had a significant increase from African trade visitors, especially from Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and South Africa. Representatives from more than 20 Saudi Arabian companies also attended FILTECH 2018. At FILTECH 2019 we also have a first time exhibitor from Egypt. We do expect the participation from the MENA region to grow in the future and look forward to establishing long-lasting business relationships.

Filtech exhibition pure solution for clean environment

  • What is new in the 2019 edition ? do you have any surprise for attendees?

The FILTECH 2018 Show was sold out and to meet the demand for more space FILTEHC 2019 will be held on 2 hall levels. This means even more companies can show the latest filtration and separation products, developments, trends and innovations. In a unique way FILTECH 2019 presents all relevant techniques and apparatuses for wet and dry particle separation. Only a few weeks after FILTECH more than 280 companies have already booked their stands for FILTECH 2019 including a strong line-up of returning companies as well as an impressive collection of first-time exhibitors.


  • İs there any co-inside event, seminars or workshop beside the FILTECH 2019?

FILTECH 2019 Conference will feature more than 200 technical papers, a plenary and 3 keynotes presenting the latest advances and techniques in liquid/solid and gas/particle separation (dust, gas & air filtration). The Conference attracts more than 500 delegates from all over the world.

The programme gives a representative cross-section of the different procedures and appliances of separation technology as well as across the industry about application needs. Delegates from industry as well as researchers are sure to benefit from the availability of high-level knowledge transfer and information sharing. Ahead of the event starting FILTECH are also conducting two short courses.

Short Course I is Solid/Liquid Separation which is aimed at engineers, scientists, managers and other technical personnel involved in solid-liquid separation. Participants will find the course informative, regardless of whether they design, purchase, research or use filtration and separation equipment. Plant engineers, technicians and operators will find the material directly applicable. Research students will value the expert introduction to the technologies.

The topic of Short course II is Fine Dust Separation and is of interest to engineers, technicians, scientists, managers, and other personnel involved in gas-solid separation. This course is informative to those who design, purchase, research, or use dust separation equipment for product recovery, emission control, air cleaning or process gas cleaning. It is a comprehensive review of the processes involved in the separation of solid or liquid particles from gases.


  • What is your prediction about the filtration industry in future?

Nowadays technical solutions are available for almost every filtration and separation task. However for the future the pressing challenge is to find solutions to face the global trends: Growing population/global urbanisation, scarcity of natural resouces and climat change. These trends will make it even more important to provide clean energy, pure water, increased food supplies to a changing world. Filtration and separation suppliers do continually evolve products that can increase capacity and improve filtration performance.


If the ideal separation technology/process would have been invented, our world would face fewer difficulties for food, water, energy and environment. To find solutions for future demands many research departments world-wide do work with an integrated science approach. Integrated science is a set of unique core technologies that integrate together elements of biology, chemistry, engineering and materials science. Such an approach will enable scientists and engineers to work together to go beyond linear thinking and traditional approaches.


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