DOMOTEX asia/ CHINAFLOOR 23-25 March 2010
Interview by Behnam Ghasemi for Kohan Journal - in Interview with :
Mr. Thurain Aye, general Manager of DACF
Could you please elaborate more on VNU Exhibition activities regarding the organization of textile exhibitions?
VNU Exhibition in China works extensively with various textile suppliers who are some of the key exhibitors (suppliers to manufacturer) Domotex asia/CHINAFLOOR “DACF). The team’s extensive knowledge and relationship with textile suppliers is a key to the success of the event in 2010. VNU’s partnership with DACF sister events – Domotex Hanover and Domotex Dubai – provide additional marketing opportunity and increase value to the event. It strengthen the draw by increasing the events value to exhibitors and visitors. The combined marketing efforts by these sister events impacts the visitor program and encourages buyers from all corners of the world to attend DACF in 2010.
VNU works with various associations to organize forums where trade issues are discussed which surely contributes to broader trade discussions and bilateral trade cooperation.
What is your prediction concerning the number of exhibitors and visitors this year?
DOMOTEX asia/ CHINAFLOOR (“DACF”) is the largest floor covering show in Asia and one of the largest floor covering shows in the world. Nearly 1,000 exhibitors from 38 countries and 37,000 visitors participated in the 2009 show. The 2010 show is on track to exceed that. We expect the2010 show’s 90,000 square meter exhibition space to be sold out soon since we are already 90% full four months ahead of the show.
Thurain Aye, DACF General Manager, is very satisfied with the show’s early figures and said in a recent interview: “the continuous growth of the show confirms the enormous growth in this market both in terms of a selling market of western products and a source for great products for export markets. DACF has grown into an event that any true flooring professional can not afford to miss.”
Products from every flooring category are displayed in approximately 90,000 square meters of exhibition space. DACF offers a platform for a broad range of floor covering, equipment and associated product manufacturers to present their products to buyers and manufacturers from around the world.
Today the Asian floor covering industry has been transformed from low price producers to innovation leaders at value prices. The range of products is broad and many manufacturers only show at this market.
The Chinese economy is booming with predicted 8% growth in GDP in 2009. While this is below its rate of growth over the last 5 years of 12%, clearly China’s economy has not plummeted like so many other countries during this global recession.
What are the differences between DOMOTEX China floor and DOMOTEX Dubai; do you believe it can be interesting for Middle Eastern traders and visitors?
DACF is truly a global event while it seems that DOMOTEX Dubai is more of a regional show; perhaps this is because DACF is a much older and established show while DOMOTEX Dubai is just starting to build its reputation and support. Since DACF is so much larger, it attracts a more global list of exhibitors and attendees. There are more established manufacturers and buyers representing more consumers in Asia than in the Middle East.
Many products sold by globally recognized floor covering companies in the West are made for those companies by Chinese manufacturers. Because of these relationships, attendees at DACF see products that are made for many markets around the world including the U.S.
Could you tell us about the different events that take place during the exhibition?
During Domotex asia/CHINAFLOOR 2010 there are several concurrent events and forums:
R+T Asia, the leading industrial trade fair Asia for roller shutters, doors, gates and sun protection. Since the cooperation between VNU Exhibitions Asia and Messe Stuttgart 2005, R+T Asia has been growing rapidly into the largest shading technology exhibition in Asia.
In 2009, the show occupied two halls with total gross space of 25’000 square meters with 332 worldwide companies and attracting 13’630 trade visitors. R+T Asia is now recognized as the main event in its industry and we are expanding the event with inclusion of affiliated product section which compliments its current profile.
CSB Forum
The China Sustainable Building Forum is an international platform for the construction industrial of communication and trade. CSB Form is an opportunity to deliver the latest laws & regulations, research & findings and products & service to China and the international community. The forum will focus on the promotion of the sustainable building concept, as well as the application of new energy saving in ecological city construction.
Since its inception in 2003, CLAF has become the most influential landscape, architecture and gardening expo in China and regarded as the premier gathering for contractors, designers and buyers in outdoor furniture, landscaping designs and equipment for outdoor lifestyle. In 2010, CLAF will be co-located (first time) with DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR a Joint venture event between VNU Asia & Messe Hanover & R+T Asia also a joint venture event between VNU Asia & Messe Stuttgart – occupying 11 halls in Shanghai New Exhibition Centre (SNIEC).
The importance of this exhibition is evident due to the proper consumption market in China, how Chinese companies have so far welcomed the exhibition? Do you have any limit on Chinese exhibitors?
There is no limit on Chinese exhibitors or attendees. The Chinese market is expanding rapidly and DACF gives everyone the opportunity to participate.
Could you possibly add any further points or comments to this interview, which you believe they were not included in the questions?
Yes, while the Middle East is now experiencing challenges due to the global economy China’s economy is booming. China is experiencing an epic migration of its rural population into urban areas. The World Bank estimates that half of the world’s construction will occur in China over the next 5 years. It has been predicted that by 2025 an additional 350 billion people will migrate from China’s rural areas to its cities and to accommodate this burgeoning urban population China will have to build up to 40 billion square meters of new floor space. Some have said this is like building ten New York Cities. Every square meter will need floor covering. This increased domestic demand is creating an unprecedented export opportunity for international floor covering companies and there is no better place to explore the Asian flooring market and investigate partnership possibilities than at Asia’s largest floor covering trade show.
On the manufacturing side, China’s floor covering industry is growing both in volume and products. China is the only country that domestically manufactures every kind of flooring from rugs to bamboo, from ceramic to cork, vinyl, carpet, laminate and wood. These companies are growing as fast as they can to meet domestic demand as much as international appetite for these products and many are interested in partnering with international companies. This opportunity should be of interest to the Middle East just as it is surely attracting interest from other areas of the world.